Year 5

Spring Term

I hope you have had a lovely Christmas break and that the children are excited to be returning to school for the Spring Term!

Our topic this term will be ‘Sow, Grow and Farm’ where we will be studying the features and characteristics of modern farming methods and the biology of plants growing.

In Maths this term, we will continue to follow the White Rose scheme. This will enable us to ensure we are continuing to build on the knowledge of our Autumn Term studies and ensure that we are doing everything we can to prepare the class for Year 6. 

In English, our novel study is ‘The Secret Garden’ by Frances Hodgson Burnett. We will also follow the Cracking Comprehension guide which will allow us to develop their Year 5 reading skills. Our Read Write Ink spelling scheme will continue throughout Year 5 and will again be used to ensure that the class continue their progress onto the Year 5 and 6 common exception words. We will also be using the Rising Stars Grammar scheme to ensure the class continues to learn the different complexities of the English language.

In Science this term we will be looking at the biology of animal and plant life cycles.

In geography this term we will be looking at the features and characteristics of land use in agricultural regions across the world.

In Computing we will be looking at Spreadsheets, Databases and Game creation through Purple Mash. This will ensure the children are capable of using computers to a high standard.

PE will have a focus on dance, gymnastics, handball, basketball and encouraging the children to live a healthy lifestyle where possible.

We will be studying Hinduism and Christianity throughout this term in RE.

In Music we will follow the Charanga scheme and look at ‘Composing and Chords’ and ‘Enjoying Musical Styles’.

The children will still be getting their weekly reading, maths and handwriting homework to complete.

Please get in touch if you have any questions.

Mr Walton



Summer Term 

Dear parents, 
Welcome back! 
I hope you have had a lovely Easter break and that the children are excited to be returning to school for the Spring Term! 
Our topic this term will be 'Groundbreaking Greeks' where we will be studying the features and characteristics of the Ancient Greek civilisation with a historical focus with some geographical features as well. 
In Maths this term, we will continue to follow the White Rose scheme. This will enable us to ensure we are continuing to build on the knowledge of our Spring Term studies and ensure that we are doing everything we can to prepare the class for Year 6. 
In English, our novel study is 'Who Let The Gods Out’ by Maz Evans. We will also follow the Cracking Comprehension guide which will allow us to develop their Year 5 reading skills. Our Read Write Ink spelling scheme will continue throughout Year 5 and will again be used to ensure that the class continue their progress onto the Year 5 and 6 common exception words. We will also be using the Rising Stars Grammar scheme to ensure the class continues to learn the different complexities of the English language. 
In Science this term we will be looking at properties and changes of materials. 
In Computing we will be looking at 3D Modelling, Concept Maps and Word Processing through Purple Mash. This will ensure the children are capable of using computers to a high standard. 
PE will have a focus on tennis and athletics and encouraging the children to live a healthy lifestyle where possible. 
We will be studying Hinduism and Christianity throughout this term. 
Finally, our music lessons will follow the Charanga scheme and we will be looking at the song ‘Dancing in the Street'. 
Ways you can help your child this term: 
Continue working on reading as often as possible and to ensure that if any work is sent home to fill a gap in the curriculum then it is completed. 
Please get in touch on Dojo if you have any questions. 
Mr Walton